Halloween is a very exciting day for children. We will be celebrating at Kirk with parties,
costume parades, and trick or treating to the classrooms and school office by the kindergartners. There are certain guidelines, however, that we would like you to know about and help us follow.
Children may wear their costumes to school provided parents observe these requests:
No scary masks or scary face paint. It is the teacher’s decision whether to allow non-scary masks to be worn at each class party. We have children on campus as young as two years old who are not yet able to separate fact from fantasy.
Don’t send any items with the costume, such as swords, guns, or anything that can not be worn by the child during the day, or that may not get home with your child at the end of the day.
If your child’s costume is expensive or you must have it in perfect condition for the evening, you may consider having your child wear an alternate costume to school. Children play, fall, and things can happen!
Please don’t ask your child’s teacher to be responsible for the costume. They do seem at times to be bionic women, but it is impossible for them to be the keeper of the costumes for 108 children.
We look forward to sharing this fun day with your children.
Happy Halloween!