Kirk Preschool has been serving families with children ages 2-½ to 5 years since 1961. We now have the pleasure of nurturing the children of the children who attended preschool here a generation ago.
Our curriculum is built on Piaget’s theory that children learn best through play. We introduce language art and reading skills through phonemics, the “rhythm” of language, with sounds, rhymes, clapping and movement. Our developmental approach allows children to learn at their own pace. Our emphasis is always treating the child as an individual with his/her unique gifts and challenges.
Our small pupil-to-teacher ratio provides time for attention to each student and allows us to take full advantage of “teachable moments.”
2 to 2 1/2-year-old class
Our youngest class begins each day in the play yard where separation from mom or dad is easier. In this class children work on colors and shapes, learn to recognize their name in print, and develop social awareness of family and friendships. Circle time is a part of each day. Messy art, music, Spanish and computers is included in the weekly curriculum.
3-year-old class
Building on the experiences of the previous class, this class introduces counting, body exploration and understanding. Socialization continues to be the primary emphasis for three-year-olds.
This class balances the needs of children to be ready academically for Kindergarten with the needs of the child as a whole; that is, to develop an understanding of oneself and the world at one’s own individual pace. The letters and sounds of the alphabet are introduced, and creative play with colors, numbers, cooking, messy art and easel painting are all a part of the Pre-K experience.
Class Schedule
Preschool classes are held from 9:00am-1:00pm daily with the option of lunch until 1:00pm. A special snack, such as tortillas, cinnamon toast, waffles or soup, is provided once a week. Extended child care is available from 7:00am to 6:00pm. All preschool children are required by the State of California to nap during the day. Kirk preschoolers nap from 2:00-4:00pm.
Enrichment Activities
Preschool enrichment activities abound, with Cooking, Story Hour and Tumblebees.