With our experienced staff and easy access for parents and caregivers who work both inside and outside the home, the Kirk Tot Center has served this community for more than thirty years. Our programs cover a wide range of child ages and developmental levels, family structures, and scheduling needs.
All classes are designed with both the child and the parents/caregivers in mind. When we deal with very small children, we understand that we serve the whole family, not just the individual child. Our Center is based on a developmental model using emergent curriculum, that is, a philosophy of teaching and a manner of presenting the curriculum that focuses on observing and responding to children’s interests. For example, we create an environment that incorporates choices that are relevant to the skills and needs of our children and presents learning opportunities that are child-centered and child-directed.
Our caring staff members are trusted by children and parents/caregivers alike. We provide support and feedback, as needed, for the entire family.
Tots ‘n Training
Patterned after our pre-school classes with time dedicated to art, music, snack and both indoor and outdoor “free play” periods, this program also offers enrichment classes taught by specialized instructors who come to the Center. Enrichment classes for Tots are Spanish, art, music, science and library.
This is a developmental toddler class for children not yet toilet trained. We understand that families have different needs and wishes concerning toilet learning, and our teachers will follow the family’s wishes concerning a child’s toilet learning.
Extended care, including nap time, is available for children in this class.
Infant/Crawl to Walk
This class is designed for parents/caregivers and babies who need some time away from home to be with others and to socialize. The teacher of this group is knowledgeable about babies and how to assist parents/caregivers of all levels—new, experienced, or just overwhelmed. Advice and help for families going through these young baby stages is available in this class. Classes meet on Mondays and are forming now.
This class is for children who have just gotten on their feet, are on the move, and are ready to begin some socialization. Parents/caregivers of this age group sometimes find this stage challenging either because the family structure has changed due to the arrival of another child or because the adults are first-time parents/caregivers. The teacher is equipped to provide help and support for a variety of family structures, needs, and situations. Classes meet on Wednesdays and are forming now.
These two-hour classes provide an opportunity for parents/caregivers to be nearby but out of sight of their children for most of the time. This process eases the child into separation from the parents/caregivers and helps children learn that the person who is looking after them always comes back for them. At the beginning and end of each class, parents/caregivers participate in music time with their children. Classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and parents may attend one or both days per week.