Kirk S.T.E.M.

We are excited about the coming school year and the new STEM emphasis that we will be implementing in our curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering, and ­Math).

We would like to tell you a little about the STEM curriculum and how we will be integrating it into our preschool program. Attached is a paper explaining how STEM can be applied in a developmental preschool setting and some pictures of STEM teaching already happening in our school. We have also included a video to highlight the STEM education that takes place in the 4th and 5th grade science lab as well.

Although the evolution of our elementary curriculum has included much of what STEM is about, we will continue to integrate these concepts into the curriculum in more depth. Along with expanding our preschool curriculum, we are continuing to refurbish and update the classrooms.

We look forward to seeing you in August and offering your children new and exciting opportunities to grow and learn.

STEM Preschool Flyer