The Kirk O' The Valley Library rounds out the S.T.E.A.M. program for the school in serving the needs of students, parents and teachers with their curriculum necessities and pleasure-reading wish-lists. We feature both fiction and non-fiction rooms, highlighting many popular picture books, chapter books and series. This Fall we've been looking at the subjects of ocean life, summer travels, and animal studies with birds, elephants and foxes. We have also celebrated the birthdays of several authors, including Steven Kellogg, Stan Berenstain and Shel Silverstein. A corner of our fiction room features fiction and non-fiction titles about the presidency and the voting process, in addition to our display highlighting Greek and Roman myths. Our collection continues to grow - and based on requests Miss Gretchen has received from both parents and teachers, we recently purchased the Mr. Rogers book about grieving, When a Pet Dies, that will be kept in the Parent/Teacher Collection made available when students are experiencing difficult times. We have also recently acquired illustrated editions of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Feel free to let us know if you ever have any special needs or requests for the Kirk Library, through the Contact page.